

“Katy’s calm and nurturing presence makes it easy to work with her.  I appreciate her guidance and profound knowing; I feel supported and safe when we work together.  Magic (or: Something magical) happens in some special way during each session. -Julie P. 

"I have been working with Katy and there is no question that she is forever in my healing "tool kit".  My life has transformed in ways that can only be explained by the miraculous.  Her deep intuition, guidance and incredible knowledge of the soul's journey and how spirit lives within and around us, will bring you to a place you have always longed for but could never find on your own.  She is committed to your highest good and blessed with a gift that few have.  Not to mention her voice may bring tears to your eyes." - Jamie L- LMP, CHHC

“I have been seeing Katy for over four years and my sessions with her have been life changing. I had been seeking help for trauma for years with little success, then I met Katy and in one session the darkness was lifted and I began to heal and finally feel like myself again. Katy is compassionate, intuitive and and genuine and makes you feel very comfortable. Her wealth of knowledge and wisdom has guided me through many difficult times in my life. Katy is just amazing! If you are ready to change your life in big and meaningful ways schedule your session right now. Thank you Katy!” - H.H.

"I had a soul retrieval with Katy and am so thankful for her gifts. She is a kind, loving, gracious woman who is a true and steady guide for any spiritual work that you may want to do. My soul retrieval was an intense experience and she was so comforting—I truly felt taken care of. Her intuition is impeccable and the process she has developed for the soul retrieval is therapeutic in itself. The gifts that she brought back to me have given me strength, peace and faith in who I am. I will definitely be returning next year to continue this work with Katy as my guide!” - Michelle A.

 “Katy has an incredibly gentle, yet powerful approach to healing. She is incredibly respectful of her clients, always prioritizing that the client feels safe and that they have the resources they need to be successful. What I especially appreciated was her availability to answer some follow up questions after our sessions if any came up. I always leave feeling safe and cared for after working with Katy. I was nervous going in, but Katy has a very calming effect and I am so grateful.” - Niki F.

"Katy has been such a blessing.  In the eight times we have worked together (including a soul-retrieval), she has helped me in my journey in such positive ways.  The clarity, encouragement and insights I have gained from being with her mean so much to me.  She has prepared herself carefully to do this work.  Because I have come to trust her completely, I can highly recommend her as a healer." - Fran - Seattle, WA.

“Katy is a ray of light! She is truly kind, respectful, nonjudgmental and is a powerful healer. She can find the light and healing in the darkest situations. She is an advocate of the material and spiritual good, beautiful things in our world. I couldn’t recommend anyone more than Katy if you are looking for wisdom, healing and direction.” - M.N.

"Being in ceremony with Katy is like unearthing a trove of knowledge and wisdom about your past, present, and future. I have experienced several different types of ceremonies - house blessing, year in advance, postpartum - and each one has given me new insights on who I am and what I'm experiencing, and confidence on my path forward. Katy provides reassuring guidance, and I also appreciate her desire to use her gifts to help you get what you need." - M.D.

“I met Katy when we worked at Madrona house together and received my first session. There was a level of trust as she walked me through what to expect. Throughout the session, she checked in with me several times. I felt safe, seen, and heard. I walked away feeling so loved by the universe. Katy is an unbelievably gifted healer and a great teacher. That first session got me hooked and I was so excited when I learned about her teaching programs. I've completed year 1 and will be moving forward to year 2. I have learned from other teachers and what I notice for me is that it helps me feel confident in what I already know and feel safe to explore and go outside my comfort zone that builds on my current knowledge while learning something new. There is plenty of room for curiosity and practice along with the practical application. Teachings of this style are always transforming, helping one to access the gems that are inherently inside you. The ending ceremony I felt such a deepening in my heart chakra that I've only felt once before that I can remember. I attribute it to Katy's teachings, and the friendships I made.” - A.S.

“When I had my first reading with Katy I was excited, curious and open minded. I had recently injured my knee and was looking for a deeper answer! What ended up coming through in my reading with Katy was very unexpected, eye opening and healing! Katy has a special way of making you feel so supported and safe during this process, which was unlike anything I had experienced before. Her attention to detail and conviction through spirit we’re deeply moving and transformative for me. I have recommended Katy to the people closest in my life because of this powerful healing that took place for me during our reading. Katy doesn’t sugar coat her words, and yet she has such a gentle and transparent way of sharing the information coming through. She is truly gifted and I am so thankful our paths crossed!” - D.W.

“Consultation and ceremony with Katy provided me a lifeline through a very hard and confusing time. She was compassionate, kind, and supported me to make my own decisions and to have my own path, however rocky. And yet she said what needed to be said with an honesty clearly motivated by the intention to serve the highest good. And in this way, she awakened my own knowing and strengthened my own connection to the highest good. I deeply appreciate her consistently checking in throughout a session to make sure I’m okay and it is okay for her to proceed in a given direction. As a result of working with Katy, I have been able to gain perspective of immeasurable value. I’m so grateful for her guidance, offered with wisdom and integrity. I find sacred ceremony work to not only affirm processes that are already happening but to catalyze deepening or ending or initiation or whatever is called for in the moment. Ceremony has summoned support, nurturance, help and guidance from other levels of reality that absolutely do affect the everyday world but which are harder to access without training and knowledge.“ -E.J.

“Katy is my go-to healer! I've worked with her both in person and on Zoom over the years, and both have always led to more clarity and confidence about myself and my life. She has helped me with cord cuttings, energetic clearings, curse clearing, connecting with my spiritual guides and ancestors, crossing over loved ones, and connecting more strongly with my own intuition. She is incredibly kind, a wonderful listener, and holds a beautiful space for healing. I would recommend her to anyone who is ready to grow and heal.” - I.U.

“I thank the universe every day that Katy Pavlis came into my life. From the moment I met Katy, I felt this instant warmth and connection to her. Her presence is so calming and positive, she makes you feel right at home in her beautiful space. Katy is so gifted in the work she does. I have gone to her for guidance in life decisions and various milestones in my life. She has done ceremonies that included releasing any energy before my son was born, as well as helping me let go of things I was harboring from past relationships and life circumstances. Before my wedding, I went to see Katy for an ancestral clearing and I can't even express how light and amazing I felt on my wedding day - and I know I big part of this was from the work we did.

I have seen various psychics and healers through the years, and I can confidently say that Katy is one of the most gifted and authentic individuals I have met. Everything she has said has come true and her guidance has given me a sense of hope and encouragement in areas of my life where I really needed it. Katy is simply magical and her spirit just adds to the gifts she embodies in doing this work.” - Yelena P. Johnson

”Testimonial for House Blessing: Working with Katy was an experience that fortified me, engaged my relationship with my home, and allowed me to really unfurl after moving into a new space. From our initial meeting, I knew in my spirit that Katy was the right person. She is inviting, warm, and attuned. What I appreciated most was how she listened, and her communication to prepare me for what to expect before, during, and after the ceremony of blessing my house had occurred both physically, emotionally, and spatially. She brought in support people who matched her energy and did not take up space during the process, and left me with a home that felt inviting and ready for me to occupy it's four walls and the land, with more ease. I did not expect this ceremony to change my life and the way that I relate to my new home in the way that it did, but I would recommend Katy without hesitation to any of my friends/family who are looking for this type of deep + nourishing support. Thank you, Katy!” -D.S.

"I have never seen such fast and tangible results from working with a spiritual practitioner. After our sessions I was able to get an amazing flexible part-time job after many years of filling numerous applications and sending hundreds of resumes with no results. I also was able to find much better living situation in the place where I feel welcomed and supported after a series of abusive living conditions. I am so grateful and exited! I also feel much more in-tune with my highest purpose and I was able to find right teammates for my creative venture."  -Maryam L.

“Katy is rare, what I mean by this is there aren't a lot of people around with the gift of being able to hear the Spirits directly and communicate with clear, informative information, that in my experience, benefited my present and future circumstances with great understanding. Thank you, Katy, for your dedication and courage it takes to be a bridge." - Roshi P., Shamanic Practitioner, Artist, Teacher. - Florida.

"I have received much healing work from Katy and will continue to do so. She holds the sacred and the humanity so tenderly and passionately that when I’m in the presence of her and her spirits, I find myself inspired, moved and deeply transformed. I’ve received work from oracular readings to house blessings, as a result I was able to access a deeper level of courage and strength to seize opportunities I wanted for my life.  She is a wise healer who is thoughtful, dedicated, loving and deeply compassionate. I believe she will help change the world with her work." - Y.L. - Seattle, WA.

"I began seeing Katy for massage and shamanic healing sessions during one of the most challenging periods of my life, when I was healing from some heavy trauma.  I can honestly say that I am not sure where I would be without her ongoing healing support.  She held space for me in a variety of healing situations including soul retrieval, depossession, curse unraveling and more.  Her medicine bag is full of many tools that she intuitively knows how to utilize as needed.  I've also had the honor of seeing her work in soul retrieval and house blessings.  She's the real deal!" - Lauren H.

"I respect many things about Katy’s work. One of the things I respect the most is her diligent attention to detail and her willingness to go wherever is needed in order to bring forward healing. Her willingness to go to the core of an issue is something I deeply respect and I have found to be deeply transformational personally afterwards. After leaving a session with Katy I leave confidant knowing that my intention was addressed and that the most perfect healing that was needed for me in that moment came forward." - Kjersti S.

Katy is warm. She hums with life. From the first time I worked with her she was open and nurturing, curious in her approach and powerful in her work. I have worked with Katy through several personal sessions, digging around for answers to nagging energy I felt stuck in my body; going to her for help in energetically sewing the old and new pieces of me together after having two children. I once sent her an email that said: "I had a dream about you last night, and I think I need to see you but I don't know why." To which she replied, "OK! Let's just be open to what happens and go from there". I recall that session being particularly clarifying for me as I was able to sort through all this extra energy I had collected and let go of what wasn’t mine.

Katy also did a house blessing for us after my brother-in-law moved out. I asked her to do it after I kept getting this feeling that his and perhaps other energy was stuck in our house and my home didn't feel like mine. She and her colleague came one spring day and spent several hours at our home, moving through each room firmly and lovingly clearing old energy out to make room for ours. She made sure to include my wild toddlers in the process, harnessing their pure energy and taking them in under her protection. After the house blessing my home felt clear and alive with lots of room for my loud and energetic family to take up every inch of its wonderful space. We planted a new garden the following season and have had tremendous growing results where before plants seemed to languish despite our best efforts. Our house hums with warmth and life since she has blessed it since inviting Katy and her work into our lives.” -Erin A.S.

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” - C.G. JungPort Townsend, WA 98368 - katy@wordsbetweenworlds.com - Copyright Katy Pavlis, 2018Disclaimer: Spiritual and energetic healing is not a substitute for medical or mental health care. If you are in need of physical or psychological care, please consult your primary care provider or mental health professional.

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” - C.G. Jung

Port Townsend, WA 98368 - katy@wordsbetweenworlds.com - Copyright Katy Pavlis, 2018

Disclaimer: Spiritual and energetic healing is not a substitute for medical or mental health care. If you are in need of physical or psychological care, please consult your primary care provider or mental health professional.