Soul Retrieval
“When you lose all sense of self
the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish.
Lose yourself completely,
Return to the root of the root
of your own soul.”
A soul retrieval ceremony works to call you home to your body, supporting your wholeness, presence and power. Your ability to access vitality, creativity and sense of self is supported as soul fragmentation is mended and energetic intrusions and attachments are removed.
Soul fragmentation can occur as we go through any of life’s painful, traumatic or overwhelming experiences. These events can cause aspects of our soul’s energy to separate from our body in order to keep them safe and protected from the trauma that is occurring on the physical level. Once the traumatic event is over, we may have a hard time calling home and reconnecting to those aspects of our soul that we pushed away. Thus, we move forward without full access to our soul’s power. This can affect our vitality, intimacy, creativity, and general sense of well-being on all levels.
This fragmentation of the soul can create empty energetic spaces where our soul’s energy used to reside. Over time, we may intentionally or unintentionally try to fill these empty spaces with people, places, substances, or behaviors. Although perhaps offering temporary relief, these external sources are not fully in alignment with our true nature and soul. They become energetic intrusions or attachments that disrupt our natural flow of energy and power. This creates a disjointed experience of living that does not feel fully authentic, and can lead to repeated patterns of chaotic or challenging events, or personal barriers that we cannot seem to overcome despite seeking help from multiple sources.
A soul retrieval ceremony is not the only route to repairing soul fragmentation. Every level of our being is interconnected, and sometimes as we heal psychologically, physically, or emotionally, pieces of our soul spontaneously return. If this specific ceremony is the right method of soul healing for you, you will instinctually know and feel called to it. As part of our preparation for the soul retrieval, we will set up a time to talk on the phone about your intentions and questions.
This is a large ceremony, and lasts 4-5 hours. A drummer is present to ground and deepen the ritual, and you will also invite a friend to support you. If you are interested in receiving a soul retrieval ceremony, please click here to email me and we will set up a time to talk about your intentions and healing goals.
This ceremony does not replace the physical, psychological, and emotional healing processes that are a necessary part of recovering from traumatic or painful events. This ceremony is for tending to the impacts of these events on your soul. For a list of referrals to medical providers or mental health professionals who can support your physical and emotional healing, please see my referrals page.